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This Week in Cryptocurrency Jobs: Issue 454

This week's issue features new jobs at Aave, Chainlink, DappRadar, Safe, Blockswap Labs, Fairblock and others, and a profile on Wovn.

By Cryptocurrency Jobs

7 min read

This issue is brought to you by Nethermind.

We are a team of world class builders and researchers with expertise across several domains: Ethereum Protocol Engineering, Layer-2, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), Maximal Extractable Value (MEV), Smart Contract Development, Security Auditing and Formal Verification.

Working to solve some of the most challenging problems in the blockchain space, we frequently collaborate with renowned companies, such as Ethereum Foundation, StarkWare, Gnosis Chain, Aave, Flashbots, xDai, Open Zeppelin, Forta Protocol, Energy Web, POA Network and many more.

We actively contribute to Ethereum core development, EIP’s and network upgrades together with the Ethereum Foundation, and other client teams.

Today, we are a 220+ strong team working remotely across 55+ countries.

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Company spotlight

This week I highlight Wovn.

Wovn is democratizing access to web3 commerce by vertically integrating omni-chain analytics, storefront infrastructure, and fulfillment solutions for web3 creators.

They’re a small, hardworking team based in Los Angeles with a passion for empowering creators in web3.


The world of blockchain & cryptocurrencies made simple. Brought to you by our friends at Decrypt.


Fellowship: Introducing the Consensys Fellowship Program, a pre-accelerator program designed to support web3 startups and founders. Applications are now open.

School: Crypto Startup School (CSS) is a twelve-week accelerator designed around the specific needs of web3 startups. Applications for CSS in London are open until October 20.

Workshop: Nethermind are running a monthly developer workshop to build the London Starknet dev community.

Together with our partners

  • The Daily Gwei, education, tools and resources to keep you in the loop with everything happening in the Ethereum ecosystem.
  • The University of Nicosia, the leading university globally in the digital currency and blockchain field.

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Cryptocurrency Jobs

I'm Daniel, the founder of Cryptocurrency Jobs. My mission is to bring talented humans together to help build our decentralized future.

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