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Design Engineer

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We are looking for a proficient frontend engineer with a sense of design and care about smooth UX. Or a designer who knows how to code, implement, and animate your own design.


  • Help engineering and design work better together by being a resource to both:
    • Be an engineer to a designer: help craft UI from Figma specs and make it interactive
    • Be a designer to an engineer: create and design UI/UX patterns to ship a feature
    • Able to extend/custom existing component library


  • 3+ years of experience in UI/UX design or Frontend engineering
  • Able to consider and implement responsive design patterns with as few components as possible
  • Familiar with UI/UX patterns for Android/iOS and web
  • Prior experience in front-end development, technical UX design, or prototyping.
  • Prior experience working with design systems or component libraries
  • Visual design skills with proficiency in desktop and mobile UI, color, layout
  • Experience with JavaScript or TypeScript, React, Next.js

Nice to Have

  • Experience with Tailwind, shadcn/ui
  • Self-taught or loves experimenting with new tools or libraries
  • Experience with animation frameworks like Framer motion or GreenSock
  • Familiarity with design tools like Figma or Framer
  • Experience with React Native

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